Healthcare Reform

Healthcare Reform Advocacy in the Texas Legislature and U.S. Congress

Over the years, Roland Barrera has received numerous awards including the National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU) Soaring Eagle Award and Lifetime Membership Award. Roland is also the former Texas PAC Chair for the National Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors (NAIFA).

At RBI, we work to represent you. Here are some of the issues we have worked on:

  • Surprise Billing
  • Billing Transparency
  • Carrier Disclosures to Plan Sponsors
  • Employer Exclusion Tax Deduction
  • Repealing the Cadillac Tax
Texas State Capitol

Healthcare Reform Advocacy in the Texas Legislature and U.S. Congress.

Over the years, Roland Barrera has received numerous awards including the National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU) Soaring Eagle Award and Lifetime Membership Award. Roland is also the former Texas PAC Chair for the National Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors (NAIFA).

Through our legislative advocacy we are able to bring the key issues affecting our clients and their employees to lawmakers in Austin and Washington D.C.

Here are some of the issues we have worked on:

  • Surprise Billing
  • Billing Transparency
  • Carrier Disclosures to Plan Sponsors
  • Employer Exclusion Tax Deduction
  • Repealing the Cadillac Tax
Texas State Capitol

We Take Action.

Roland Barrera Insurance works with industry advocacy organizations to bring our client’s voices to the Texas Legislature and the U.S. Congress. Legislative advocacy from benefits brokers is important for lawmakers to create healthcare laws that balance the needs of employers and employees.

Through our legislative advocacy we bring the key issues affecting our clients and their employees to lawmakers in Austin and Washington D.C.

Your Voice Matters.

Let’s start a conversation about what you would like to see as part of Texas/U.S. Healthcare Reform. Let us know what industry issues are important to you by filling out this form with your comments to get in touch with the RBI team.